Credible Engineering Construction Projects Limited was promoted by Sri. M. Visweswara Rao, a Civil Engineering graduate from Regional Engineering College, Warangal. After his graduation, he acquired the basic field knowledge in construction industry during his association with Siri Consultants in various capacities of Civil, Infrastructure & Power Project Management and proceeded to execute works on contract basis independently. In the year 1990, he started civil contracts under the proprietary firm, M/s Continental Engineering Constructions. In the year 1999, he floated Credible Engineering Construction Projects Private Limited with himself as a Promoter Director along with his spouse Smt. M. Padmavathi. Later it was converted to a Limited company in 2013.
The main objective defined and set before the company by the founding Board was to develop activities in infrastructure projects.​​

The Initial thrust of the company was in industrial projects like cement, steel, sugar co-gen and bio-mass power plants - mostly in private sector like ABB Limited, Areva T&D, ITC – Bhadrachalam, TATA Industries Ltd., Reliance Industries Ltd., Patel Engineering Ltd., SCM Sugars, KCP Ltd., Kakatiya Cement Sugar and Industries Ltd., where timely completion and quality were of paramount importance.
Subsequently, the company has been enlisted with various PSUs / Govt. departments like NPCC Ltd., NBCC Ltd., NTPC Ltd., West Central Railway, M.P.State Co-Operative Marketing Federation and has achieved considerable growth in its turnovers since a decade.